As for now, only the bukkit plugin has commands.
To simplify the usage of PlayerPoof, we integrated a few commands to help you manage and monitor the plugin.
There is the list of the commands and some explanations:
/poof version
Displays the current plugin version.
/poof dump
Create a dump of your configuration and server state for support team.
/poof help (command)
Displays the help menu or help for a specific command.
/poof reload
Reloads the plugin configuration. (We recommend restarting the server instead)
/poof modules
Similar to /plugins, it displays all installed modules and their state.
/poof add [name]
Create a new virtual player and add it to your server.
/poof remove [name]
Remove an existing virtual player from your server.
/poof list
Displays all the virtual players on your network.
/poof sudo [name] [command]
Executes a command through a specific virtual players. (This command only works for virtual players on your current bukkit server).
/poof panic
Removes all the virtual players progressively from the server you are in.
/poof servers
Displays all servers using PlayerPoof on your network and some information such as online players, max players, real players & virtual players.
/poof fluctuation
Displays fluctuation module current configuration.
/poof fluctuation minimum
/poof fluctuation maximum
/poof modules enable <module>
Enable a module.
/poof modules disable <module>
Disable a module.
/poof modules reload <module>
Reload a module.
/poof modules status <module>
Displays the target module status and version.
Last updated