This is an advanced configuration section, you must know what you are doing before editing it!
This section let you define how your game servers and your proxy communicate. By default we use plugins messages which are integrated in BungeeCord and Velocity. It allows the software to communicate without any additional configuration.
The first option called server-id is basically how your server is named on your proxy configuration, you can change it to whatever you want but it MUST stay unique.
Communication between your proxy and game servers is really important, it will allows our software to avoid having duplicated virtual players in your game server. How annoying will it be if you go to your hub and you meet Notch and when you go to your survival server you also meet Notch ahah.
There are four different messaging services available:
Cloud - Relies on our infrastructure to ensure servers communicates properly
Database - Relies on sql database to ensure servers communication
You need to make sure all your proxies and game servers are using the same messaging service.
By default, PlayerPoof use the cloud messaging service, as it's the most reliable one and it's plug and play, you don't have to do nothing, we care about it
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# | Controls how data are sent across your network. | #
# | | #
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is your unique server identifier, this MUST be
# set if using a proxy - e.g. BungeeCord, Velocity, ...
server-id: "server1"
# How the plugin should send data across your network.
# - Possible options:
# |=> cloud (default)
# |=> database
# |=> proxy
# |=> redis (recommended)
# If you choose redis, you must configure the redis settings below.
# If you choose proxy, no further configuration is required.
# If you choose database, you must configure the database settings below.
messaging-service: cloud
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | | #
# | | #
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# How the plugin should store data
# - Possible options:
# |=> MySQL
# |=> MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
# |=> PostgreSQL
type: mysql
# Define the address for the database.
# Define the port for the database.
# - The standard DB engine port is used by default
# (MySQL: 3306, PostgreSQL: 5432, MongoDB: 27017)
port: 3306
# The name of the database to store PlayerPoof data in.
# - This must be created already. Don't worry about this setting if you're using MongoDB.
database: 'playerpoof'
# Credentials for the database.
username: root
password: 'MySuperSecurePassword'
# These settings apply to the MySQL connection pool.
# - The default values will be suitable for the majority of users.
# - Do not change these settings unless you know what you're doing!
# Sets the maximum size of the MySQL connection pool.
# - Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual
# connections to the database backend.
# - More information about determining the size of connection pools can be found here:
maximum-pool-size: 10
# Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will try to maintain.
# - For maximum performance and responsiveness to spike demands, it is recommended to not set
# this value and instead allow the pool to act as a fixed size connection pool.
# (set this value to the same as 'maximum-pool-size')
minimum-idle: 10
# This setting controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds.
# - The value should be at least 30 seconds less than any database or infrastructure imposed
# connection time limit.
maximum-lifetime: 1800000 # 30 minutes
# This setting controls how frequently the pool will 'ping' a connection in order to prevent it
# from being timed out by the database or network infrastructure, measured in milliseconds.
# - The value should be less than maximum-lifetime and greater than 30000 (30 seconds).
# - Setting the value to zero will disable the keepalive functionality.
keep-alive-time: 0
# This setting controls the maximum number of milliseconds that the plugin will wait for a
# connection from the pool, before timing out.
connection-timeout: 5000 # 5 seconds
# This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections.
# By default, the following options are set to enable utf8 encoding. (you may need to remove
# these if you are using PostgreSQL)
# useUnicode: true
# characterEncoding: utf8
# You can also use this section to disable SSL connections, by uncommenting the 'useSSL' and
# 'verifyServerCertificate' options below.
useUnicode: true
characterEncoding: utf8
#useSSL: false
#verifyServerCertificate: false